Diana is a long time teacher. She begins speak by talking about her grandmother. Her grandma go to school to get information because there is where the information lived. It was in the book and in the teacher’s head. So she needed to go there to get the information. Diana’s father also go to school to get information from teacher. That’s how people learned. Information was being transfered from teacher to students and used in the world. However, when Diana was a kid, she has a lot of encyclopedias in her house, so she didn’t have to go to library to get information. When Diana started teaching, she went to Kansas where internet was as an educational tool, but she used authentic experience that allowed her students to learn from themselves. She didn’t tell them any ways to do it. Then her students produced something. From Kansas she moved to Arizona to teach middle school students. She interest about eclectic group of kids to work with in a truly public school. The problem
Formative Assessment as a Component of the Future English Teacher Training Marina Viktorovna Klimenko & Larisa Arkadyevna Sleptsova International Education Studies; Vol. 8, No. 8; 2015 ISSN 1913-9020 E-ISSN 1913-9039 Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5539/ies.v8n8p157 The article deals with the problem of the initial stage of the future English teacher training and forming basic professional teaching skills by means of the implementation of formative assessment methods into the process of studying. However, in the modern paradigm of scientific knowledge the anthropocentric approach to the conversation focuses on understanding the relations of the language and thinking, that makes it a starting point of the student’s pedagogical process. The implementation of the pedagogical component into the process of future teachers’ training has been carried out by many methodologists and educators (L. Shulman, S. Ma